Where in the Seven Seas have we done been blown to? I reckon it be the Squallix arena, where be played the ultimate sport according to ancient emperors and demigods.
If ye done not be familiar with this fantastical display of athletic prowess, ye can be learnin' all about it by way of t' Ocademy's complimentary online tutorial
Port #19
Just a couple more stops before we pull into home. I don't be knowin' about ye, but I'm ready to be gettin' off the ship 'n' stretchin' me sea legs. If ye've been enjoyin' our time together, ye may want to think about joinin' our Patron family whereby ye can get free books, patron-only perquisites, custom swaggery, and heaps more. The name of the patron program slips me tongue. I know it be named after some famous art patron philanthropist in the days of Rome. Blasted barnacles, what could it be?
(a) Maecenas
(b) Claudius
(c) Trajan
(d) Brutus
(e) Maximus
The next port be chock full of intel to pillage, so keep your eye out for the wee flag that be gettin' ye home!